Flatliner Longbow
The "Flatliner" one piece long bow was originally designed for
competition to meet NFAA long bow regulations for a man named Paul
Fender in hopes of giving him an edge in unmarked 3D competition. This
turned out to be true. In the summer of 2012, Paul took #001, the
first "production" Flatliner, and won the NFAA 3D Nationals in Redding
Ca., beating a high score record set by Larry Yien back in '02. He's
taken a few other local and State wins with his "Flatliner" as well.
The original prototypes I used a triple carbon matrix, with a foam
core in the limbs, and cut the shelf right to center in a traditional
"V" notch shape required in the NFAA long bow classification specs.
According to NFAA regulations, there cannot be any reflex in the limb
at brace either.
The base priced model includes: Your choice of a "Traditional Riser"
or a "Reflex riser" shape. In both of these riser shapes, you have a
choice of a "Straight" , "Dish", "Locator", or "Custom Pistol grip".
They all come with leather grips standard unless otherwise specified.
For "custom shaped pistol grips" there is an upgrade fee.
You also have a choice for "V - notch", or the "Radius shelf cut out"
with either the traditional riser, or the reflex riser. The radius
shelf is on the left, NFAA legal "V" notch style on the right.
Standard limbs are built using fiberglass backing, with bamboo or
maple cores, with your choice of black or brown glass on the limbs.
All other limb options are considered up grades, and priced according
to my "Up Grade page". The standard models all include a leather grip,
or not, your choice, with the exception of a custom pistol grip.
The base price of $650 on the Flatliner includes an "In stock
hardwood" Riser: Bocote, Bubinga, Brazilian Walnut,(Ipe), Zebra, Curly
Maple, Black walnut, Teak, Wenge, lacewood, Purple heart, and a few
others. I offer a "G-10 I beam" may be used.
The carbon backed/foam core version of this bow is a higher
performance bow than the fiberglass/bamboo model due to the
ultra-light composite materials used. But the base price model is a
very nice shooting, high performance bow, with very little hand shock.
You can choose various configurations of carbon/Foam, Carbon/wood,
or even Glass/foam cores or when ordering a custom bow in this
model. (see up grades page)
I also offer a solid G-10 garolite riser in both the "Radius" or "NFAA
Legal V-notch" shelf configuration, and traditional or reflex grip
shape. The Garolite material is a very strong fiberglass. Epoxy base
